Sharing Our Impact

Sharing Our Impact

I was just happily reading through the 2019 impact report for a nonprofit that we support. It’s so uplifting to see what a difference they’re making in the world. And it feels good to know that we’re helping them. Since you’re a friend or client of SCC, I thought you...
Inspiration for the New Year

Inspiration for the New Year

Some inspiring TED talks, podcasts, and books that Bridget recommends… TED talks 1. The Happy Secret to Better Work by Shawn Achor 2. My Stroke of Insight by Jill Bolte Taylor 3. Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are Podcasts 1. The Life Coach School Podcast...
Bridget’s Big Lessons of 2019

Bridget’s Big Lessons of 2019

1. Goodbyes: When someone you love is dying, nothing is more important than making time to be with them and tell them what they mean to you. Everything else can wait. Rest in peace, my kind, funny father-in-law, Maynard Thornhill, 1947-2019....