Sampson Behind the Scenes at Dodger Stadium

Behind the Scenes with Bridget

Thanks to the organizers of a spectacular Entrepreneurs’ Organization event, Neal and I recently got to go behind the scenes at Dodger Stadium. It was so much fun to swivel around in the oversized chairs of the Vin Scully Press Box, take selfies in the dugout, and run my fingers along the grass on the field. You’re not allowed to step on it! So, I decided it might also be fun to share a bit of what happens behind the scenes at Sampson Coaching and Consulting.

Sampson Dodger Event

Behind the scenes of my coaching work:

  • It all starts with a 20-minute consultation to see if we’re a fit. I ask the person to share their challenges and goals. I listen actively, reflect back what I hear, and ask questions to help me understand. Then I explain how coaching with me works and answer their questions. I just finished one of these calls and regardless of whether or not he signs up, I enjoyed the deep, meaningful conversation and connection.
  • Before a coaching session, I always review my notes from that client’s last few sessions as well as their original coaching goals.
  • My coaching includes between session support, but some clients only show up for a weekly or biweekly virtual session, finding great value in just that.
  • Other clients reach out regularly, asking me questions by email, requesting occasional 15-minute phone calls, and updating me on their situations.
  • Each coaching call is so different. It could be discussing pressing personal and/or professional issues and how to address them. Or practicing a TEDx talk or job interview. Maybe strategizing for a salary negotiation or how to deliver difficult feedback. With weight loss coaching, it might be going over a weekly food diary. The list is endless, and I love the variety of things I get to help people with.
  • Some clients feel complete after 8 sessions. Others continue coaching long-term to work on arising issues. My longest current client has been with me for 9 years.

Behind the scenes of my team training work:

  • This also starts with an exploratory call. The client tells me about the team, their professional development needs, and the learning objectives of the training. I ask lots of questions for clarification. With 30 years of experience designing and delivering training and multiple certifications, I can offer many options and ideas for training topics and activities. We settle on an initial plan, to be refined later.
  • I send a formal written proposal with a fee estimate after the call.
  • If I get a yes, I jump up and down with excitement and get to work.
  • When I’m preparing to facilitate a retreat or training program, I spend a lot of time creating custom facilitator notes for myself and a co-facilitator if we have one. Then I prepare slides and a workbook for the participants. I always do a deep dive on all the topics I’ll be covering so that I can make the training as valuable as possible and be ready to answer any questions. I read and reread relevant books and articles, listen to podcasts on the subjects, and much more. You might say I get a little obsessive about this content consumption, but it’s fun for me because I am an insatiable learner.
  • The night before training, I eat a light healthy meal, do something relaxing like take a bath, and go to bed early. And I always set my alarm with enough time for a 30-minute meditation upon waking to make sure I’m grounded, fully present, and dedicated to doing the best job possible for the people I’ll be working with.

I’ll spare you a behind the scenes account of all the administrative work of running my business. That’s my least favorite part, of course. Still, I make it better by putting on some peaceful music and reframing my thoughts to remind myself how lucky I am to have my own business. And all those invoices, spreadsheets, vendor payments, etc., get done somehow.

I’d love to hear from you if you have any feedback on or questions about this behind the scenes look at SCC: