Join us at our upcoming events

MEditations with Bridget Event Graphic

Four Saturdays: August 10, 17, 24, 31 · 11am – 12pm PDT

Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation 4-Week Course on Zoom

Increase concentration and peace and reduce stress.

As a second year student in Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield’s Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program, it is my honor to teach the transformative lessons and meditation practices I’ve been learning about. Join me for just an hour on Saturday, August 10th, 17th, 24th, and 31st, from 11 am – 12 pm PT or 2 pm – 3 pm ET on Zoom, to learn about mindfulness, practice short guided meditations, and ask any questions you may have.

Each of the 4 sessions will be unique and will build on the previous session(s), so please plan to attend all four if you can. If you cannot attend all 4, please sign up anyway and attend the sessions you can make it to. In session one, we’ll discuss and practice mindfulness of the body and breath. Session two will help us understand how to name and embrace a range of feeling tones, both physical and emotional. The third session will address mindfulness of the mind and working with our thoughts. In the final session, we’ll review the previous learnings and finish our journey together with the beauty of the four Bramaviharas, with special attention to Metta, which is the Pali word for loving-kindness.

All are welcome and will be embraced with a spirit of inclusivity and recognition that we each bring unique experiences, identities, and concerns to the group. The course is for everyone, from those who have no experience with meditation to long-time practitioners who want to brush up on Mindfulness Meditation teachings and meditate in community. It is also secular so that it will be relevant for people of any religion or no religion.

This will be the second time I’ve taught this 4-week series. Participants from the first series are more than welcome to attend again for a refresher as well as some new practices and lessons that I’ll be incorporating based on my recent 5-day silent meditation retreat and new teachings in the certification program.

Here are a few excerpts from evaluation forms completed by participants who attended the first introduction to mindfulness meditation series that I taught in April, 2024:

“As a newcomer to mindfulness meditation, this was the perfect introduction course. I felt safe and comfortable with Bridget guiding the meditations. This course inspired me to make meditation a high priority in my self care.”

“It’s been eye-opening to discover new simple ways to bring mindfulness into my routine.”

“I can’t forget to mention how comforting your voice was during meditation. It creates such a nurturing atmosphere, making it easier for me to let go and fully embrace the practice.”

“You lead beautifully from the heart. It’s not easy to emit warmth through Zoom, but you do.”

If you would like to know more about the course before signing up, please reach out to me at Thank you.

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